Responsible for the content:
Dr. Bernhard Burger AG
Felix-Wankel-Str. 6
75210 Keltern
Tel.: | +49 (0) 7236 9388-0 |
Fax: | +49 (0) 7236 9388-30 |
E-Mail: | |
Internet: | |
Owner of the webpage
Headquarter of the company: Keltern-Dietlingen
Register court Mannheim - HRB 715105
TFN: 41401/30246
Chairman of the supervisory board: Markus Hofheinz
Board of directors: Karin Buchter-Burger
Liability note
Despite careful control, Dr. Bernhard Burger AG assumes no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are responsible for the content.
Responsible according to § 6 MDStV: Markus Hofheinz
Photo credits
Thomas Knauf, Thomas Knauf Design
Stefan Brenner, Fotostudio McBild
Online Dispute Resolution
Platform of the EU Commission regarding online dispute resolution:
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